Are you a Ceiling Fan Brand? Know changes in BEE star rating and ISI Compliances

New Rules for Energy-Efficient Cooling: Ceiling Fan Regulations in India

In 2023, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the Ministry of Power implemented new regulations for ceiling fans in India, aiming to boost energy efficiency and eliminate low-performing products from the market. This change benefits both consumers and the environment.

Star Rating Compliance: Choose Energy-Efficient Fans

All ceiling fans must now display a BEE star rating from 1 to 5 stars, based on factors like air delivery and power consumption. Higher stars indicate better efficiency and lower electricity bills. Non-compliant fans, without a star rating or failing minimum performance standards, are prohibited from manufacturing, import, and sale.

ISI Compliance: Ensuring Safety and Performance

In addition to BEE star rating, Indian Standard (IS) 374:2019 compliance is mandatory for safety and performance assurance. Choose fans bearing both the BEE star rating and ISI mark for optimal cooling and peace of mind.

Understanding Star Ratings for Ceiling fans: Parameters and Technologies

The star rating depends on:

  • Air Delivery Ratio (ADR): Amount of air circulated per minute (higher is better).
  • Power Consumption: Electrical energy consumed (lower is better).
  • Service Value (SV): Ratio of ADR to power consumption (higher is better, indicating more air with less energy).

Technologies contributing to higher star ratings include:

  • Brushless DC (BLDC) Motors: 30-60% less energy consumption compared to traditional motors.
  • Aerodynamically Designed Blades: Optimized shapes and angles for efficient air circulation.
  • Energy-Saving Regulators: Precise speed control to minimize unnecessary energy use.
  • LED Lights: Energy-efficient alternative to conventional incandescent bulbs.

Benefits of New Regulations:

  • Reduced energy consumption: Saves electricity bills and promotes environmental sustainability.
  • Increased energy efficiency: Encourages manufacturers to develop and sell better-performing fans.
  • Empowered consumers: Makes informed choices based on star ratings.
  • Improved energy security: Contributes to India’s energy independence goals.

Ceiling Fan Star Rating Comparison Table

Star Rating Air Delivery Ratio (m³/min) Power Consumption (W) Service Value (SV) Key Technologies
1 Less than 50 More than 80 Less than 0.625 Standard motor, basic blade design
2 50 – 65 70 – 80 0.625 – 0.812 Improved motor, basic blade design with some optimization
3 65 – 80 60 – 70 0.812 – 1.142 Energy-saving features, moderately optimized blade design
4 80 – 95 50 – 60 1.142 – 1.571 BLDC motor, aerodynamic blades, precise speed control
5 More than 95 Less than 50 More than 1.571 Advanced BLDC motors, highly optimized blades, LED lights, intelligent control

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